Timmermans, Andre
2015-12-01 07:34:29 UTC
While experimenting with KinoAmp on RpcEmu (latest Windows version) I noticed that sound was to slow
and because sound and video where synchronized the video was played at half rate. This was curious
as an error sound before KinoAmp was fine and playing DigitalCD was fine too. It’s actually a given
sample rate & buffer size combination which causes the problem due I think to the fact that more
than 100 buffers need to be filled per second.
My experiments shows:
28333Hz, 208 samples per buffer -> OK
44100Hz, 208 samples per buffer -> Problem
44100Hz, 512 samples per buffer -> OK
Kind Regards,
André Timmermans
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Atos Belgium N.V/S.A
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B-1930 Zaventem
RPR-RPM Brussels
BTW/TVA: BE 0401 848 135
While experimenting with KinoAmp on RpcEmu (latest Windows version) I noticed that sound was to slow
and because sound and video where synchronized the video was played at half rate. This was curious
as an error sound before KinoAmp was fine and playing DigitalCD was fine too. It’s actually a given
sample rate & buffer size combination which causes the problem due I think to the fact that more
than 100 buffers need to be filled per second.
My experiments shows:
28333Hz, 208 samples per buffer -> OK
44100Hz, 208 samples per buffer -> Problem
44100Hz, 512 samples per buffer -> OK
Kind Regards,
André Timmermans
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Atos Belgium N.V/S.A
Da Vincilaan 5
B-1930 Zaventem
RPR-RPM Brussels
BTW/TVA: BE 0401 848 135