[Rpcemu] Mount other Harddrives
Dave Symes
2018-11-13 07:57:56 UTC
Q1) In RPCEmu Is there a way to Mount the Harddrives in the Host machine
so they can be accessed from the icon bar as can be done in VRPC?

ATM: I have three drives. C:, D:, and X: (D and X are partitions on a
single spinning rust...

Q2) I have a portable USB SSD drive (R:), is there a way to either access
or mount that SSD in RPCEmu.

Dave Triffid
Dave Symes
2018-11-15 18:59:31 UTC
In article
Peter Howkins <***@marutan.net> wrote:

Use the windows filesystem link tool to create a subfolder inside hostfs
that points to a different location on windows.
mklink /d FoldernameinHostFS PathToItemYouWantToLink
Open windows command prompt as administrator
cd c:/path/to/RPCEmu/hostfs
mklink /d C C:\
mklink /d D D:\
mklink /d X X:\
You will now have three directories inside your hostfs root folder that
link directly to the windows drives.
Post by Dave Symes
Q2) I have a portable USB SSD drive (R:), is there a way to either
access or mount that SSD in RPCEmu.
I believe this should work the same way as above but haven't tested it.
mklink /d R R:\
Thanks for that info Peter, appreciated.

ATM. very busy with other stuff, but later I'll give that a try and
comment afterwards on the result.

Dave Triffid